10 Python Image Processing Tools

10 Python Image Processing Tools

python ai library for image processing

The function tensorflow.io.read_file takes the file name as its required argument and returns the contents of the file as a tensor with type tensorflow.string. When the input file is an image, the output of tensorflow.io.read_file will be the raw byte data of the image file. Although the raw byte output represents the image’s pixel data, it cannot be used directly. Let’s computer vision libraries first see the implementation in Python using the soccer ball image. Before performing any task related to images, it is almost always necessary to first process the images to make them more suitable as input data. In this article I will focus on image processing, specifically how we can convert images from JPEG or PNG files to usable data for our neural networks.

python ai library for image processing

The reason Python has stuck around and become a favorite of most AI developers is primarily due to its simplicity and accessibility. Due to its interpreted nature, Python can be installed and run on all major platforms. There’s no need for a native compiler to translate instructions; the Python interpreter does all of that for you. It’s also simple to use and understand even for people with non-technical backgrounds. There’s no need for constant semi-colons, long type declarations, or re-inventing common functions. But perhaps the most important benefit of using Python is its vast ecosystem.

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An RGB image of size 100×100 pixels is represented by a 100x100x3 array of values. You can customize the rotation further with additional optional parameters. In the next section, you’ll learn about different types of images in the Python Pillow library. The format of an image shows what type of image you’re dealing with. Now that you’ve installed the package, you’re ready to start familiarizing yourself with the Python Pillow library and perform basic manipulations of images. Pillow also has the advantage of being widely used by the Python community, and it doesn’t have the same steep learning curve as some of the other image processing libraries.

This means that the images we give the system should be either of a cat or a dog. With this library you can also perform simple image techniques, such as flipping images, extracting features, and analyzing them. Generator learns to make fake images  that look realistic so as to fool the discriminator and Discriminator learns to distinguish fake from real images (it tries not to get fooled).

AirSim is a Unity/Unreal Engine based simulator built by Microsoft. While it’s not a Python AI library itself, AirSim allows developers to test and experiment with autonomous vehicle algorithms without actually needing to possess the physical hardware for it. It uses APIs to hook into your code so it remains language independent. In this way, it provides a sandbox for you to play around with autonomous vehicles without the costs and safety issues you’d need to overcome in the real, physical world. It provides a rules-based engine as binary modules inside the library that are accessed using classes and functions. The engine itself stays “alive” in a separate memory space to the Python space, so inferences and rules are persisted as your program grows in functionality.

  • You can also see some noise surrounding the cloud and the fence, which is due to small changes in the original JPEG compression in the region surrounding these items.
  • The square structuring element ‘A’ fits in the object we want to select, the ‘B’ intersects the object and ‘C’ is out of the object.
  • From facial recognition software to autonomous driving systems, computer vision algorithms are everywhere and only growing in complexity.
  • OpenCV-Python is not only fast since the background consists of code written in C/C++ but is also easy to code and deploy (due to the Python wrapper in the foreground).

The Keras library is often preferred due to it being modular, extensible, and flexible. It can also integrate with objectives, layers, optimizers, and activation functions. Keras operates in various environments and can run on CPUs and GPUs.

The last point means that the neural networks PyTorch builds don’t have to be recreated every time the use case changes, thereby improving speed and scalability. Its main use cases lie in replacing NumPy to instead use the power of GPUs (versus CPUs), and as a deep learning research platform that is highly customizable and fast. You create an empty list called square_animation, which you’ll use to store the various images that you generate.

Latk for Processing

Discriminator also improves itself as it gets more and more realistic images at each round from the generator. The visual effect of this blurring technique is similar to looking at an image through the translucent screen. It is sometimes used in computer vision for image enhancement at different scales or as a data augmentation technique in deep learning. Morphological image processing tries to remove the imperfections from the binary images because binary regions produced by simple thresholding can be distorted by noise.

TensorFlow consists of an architecture and framework that are flexible, enabling it to run on various computational platforms like CPU and GPU. With that said, it performs best when operated on a tensor processing unit (TPU). The Python library is often used to implement reinforcement learning in ML and DL models, and you can directly visualize the machine learning models. Another top Python library on the market is Pandas, which is often used for machine learning.

Then, they can pick one of many already-implemented machine/deep learning algorithms in the TensorFlow library to execute. The computations are written in Python but executed in C++, which is much faster than Python. As indicated by IDC, digital information will soar up to 175 zettabytes, and the immense piece of this information pictures.

It is a computer vision and image processing library and has more than 100 functions. Mahotas is an independent module in itself i.e. it has minimal dependencies. NumPy is one of the core libraries in Python programming and provides support for arrays.

python ai library for image processing

One more option for an open-source machine learning Python library is PyTorch, which is based on Torch, a C programming language framework. PyTorch is a data science library that can be integrated with other Python libraries, such as NumPy. The library can create computational graphs that can be changed while the program is running. It is especially useful for ML and DL applications like natural language processing (NLP) and computer vision.

Even further, it can operate on nearly all OS and platforms on the market. Due to its many uses in the business industry, image processing has been adopted around the globe. It also plays an essential part in artificial intelligence and data science for extracting information out of images. Thus, if you believe your business will benefit from the advantages it offers, keep these widely-used Python libraries, and you’re good to go. For most image processing tasks, using PIL or Python Image Library can be good. Unlike other libraries, it offers unique functionalities such as manipulating and saving images, filtering, and opening.

Images can be represented by numpy multi-dimensional arrays and so their type is NdArrays. By slicing the multi-dimensional array the RGB channels can be separated. Python is one of the widely used programming languages for this purpose.


Matplotlib is specialized in 2D plots of arrays as a multi-platform data visualization library on Numpy arrays. Originally a third-party extension to the SciPy library, Scikit-learn is now a standalone Python library on Github. It is utilized by big companies like Spotify, and there are many benefits to using it.

  • These are some of the most basic operations that can be performed with the OpenCV on an image.
  • You can use the image processing techniques called erosion and dilation to create a better mask that represents the cat.
  • Its main use cases lie in replacing NumPy to instead use the power of GPUs (versus CPUs), and as a deep learning research platform that is highly customizable and fast.
  • It handles the entire modeling process, from processing the text (into a dictionary of tokens) to building the topic model itself all without having to load the entire text into memory.

In practice, it is best to take advantage of the Gaussian blur’s separable property by dividing the process into two passes. In the first pass, a one-dimensional kernel is used to blur the image in only the horizontal or vertical direction. In the second pass, the same one-dimensional kernel is used to blur in the remaining direction. The resulting effect is the same as convolving with a two-dimensional kernel in a single pass.

Now we are defining a function to extract each of the 8 level bit planes of the image. Here, we have specified the parameter ‘0’ in the “waitKey” to keep the window open until we close it. The cv2.destroAllWindows() method is used for closing or deleting the GUI windows from the screen/memory. The Pandas library offers a fast and efficient way to manage and explore data by providing Series and DataFrames, which represent data efficiently while also manipulating it in different ways.

This library can particularly be useful for those who don’t have a knowledge of different image manipulation concepts like eigenvalues, colour spaces, and bit depth. SimpleCV is a python framework that uses computer vision libraries like OpenCV. This library is quite simple and easy to use and can be really helpful for quick prototyping.

Fortunately, a friendly fork of PIL called Pillow was created by Alex Clark and Contributors in 2010. Pillow is compatible with the original PIL API and has added new features and bug fixes over time. Another factor that makes Python favorable, especially to beginners, is its growing community of users. Since it is one of the fastest growing programming languages in the world, the number of Python developers and development services has exploded. The Python community is growing alongside the language, with active members always looking to use it to tackle new problems in business. When it comes to leveraging image processing, using Matplotlib as a Python library can be a good idea.

The result of the convolution is a blurred version of the original image. There are other kernels that perform different functions, including different blurring methods, edge detection, sharpening, and more. The red image contains a strong signal in the pixels that represent the strawberry, because these pixels are mostly https://forexhero.info/ red. The green and blue channels show these pixels as dark because they have small values. The exceptions are those pixels that represent the reflection of the light on the surface of the strawberry as these pixels are nearly white. The red band alone, stored in the variable red, is a grayscale image with mode L.

You can achieve better results with versions of the original image that have higher contrast. In addition to Image, you also import the ImageFilter module from Pillow. This method needs a convolution kernel as its argument, and you can use one of the several kernels available in the ImageFilter module in Pillow. The first set of filters that you’ll learn about deal with blurring, sharpening, and smoothing an image. The factor of 1/9 is there so that the overall weighting of the kernel is 1.

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Albumentations: Fast & Flexible Image Augmentations for Computer ….

Posted: Wed, 12 Apr 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

To create the image showing only the red channel, you merge the red band from the original image with green and blue bands that only contain zeros. To create a band containing zeros everywhere, you use the .point() method. However, Pillow remains an important tool for dealing with images.

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10 Best Python Libraries for GUI ( .

Posted: Fri, 08 Jul 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Its amazing libraries and tools help in achieving the task of image processing very efficiently. It is the core part of computer vision which plays a crucial role in many real-world examples like robotics, self-driving cars, and object detection. Image processing allows us to transform and manipulate thousands of images at a time and extract useful insights from them. An open-source python library built to empower developers to build applications and systems with self-contained Deep Learning and Computer Vision capabilities using simple and few lines of code.

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